"In winter, when the green earth lies resting beneath a blanket of snow, this is the time for storytelling"
As January nears its end, promised seeds await their call beneath the delicate blanket winter has provided for the soft mosses and damselflies in Savannah, giving rest to those who need it, and sparking dreams for those who seek them. It’s a song that plays year in and year out, providing rhythm and harmony to a world sustained by the cycle of life, rest, and renewal. It’s a song to dance to, to dream to, to wake to with a sense of clarity and freshness
This season, unlike all of its companions, gives us an opportunity to rest, dream, and collect ideas before the long sun-filled days arrive and demand your attention and your time.
Last week we received a rare gift in Savannah, a blanket of white snow covering everything from St. John’s cathedral spires to the stone swans in the Forsyth fountain and it served as a reminder that winter is nature’s reset. A chance to start again with a blank canvas. What I always loved most about this concept is the romance of possibility. Winter allows for the time to daydream of ‘what could be’.
In order for spring to raise her flowered head, winter must first lull colors to sleep and soothe the usual southern commotion to a dormant hum. When the trees and bees have had their rest, only then will the peachy camellias and vibrant violets join the birds in their sun-songs and rejoice for the verdant sound of spring.

ivory & gold | 5 pieces we love this season
While we await Spring, we look to embrace this season in all it's beauty! Winter wardrobe staples such as an ivory-colored cashmere sweater would be an incredible backdrop to one of our antiqued gold finished pieces. Below are five hand-selected by our staff to feature to add to your collection.
1. Forget-Me-Not Locket Charm
"A golden heart held fast by a lover's grasp, this locket was inspired by Napoleon’s love for Joséphine de Beauharnais, to whom he mailed passionate letters from his campaigns. After their separation, he kept his undying love for her close to his heart. "
Read more about the Bonaparte collection here.
2. Custom lover's eye pendants
"A charming recreation of the traditional Lover’s Eye jewelry begun in 1785, with the illicit love affair between a widowed commoner and the Prince of Wales. Framed in glass pearls and backed by antique textiles, our romantic take on a Lover’s Eye is painted by a local Savannah artist."
Read more about our Lover's Eye collection here.
3. Lady with doves necklace
"Cream-colored and classic, this German glass cameo set in a looped design of antiqued gold depicts a tranquil lady and her three doves, offering a message of serenity and devotion to the wearer."
If you like this piece, you can find it's corresponding ring, earrings, and charm in the Museum collection.
4. Evil eye earrings
"To adorn oneself with the evil eye is to claim protection against wicked energy, harmful thoughts, and jealous eyes. Coupled with the freshwater pearl’s attraction to light and wisdom, these earrings offer the chance to invite luck in, and reject the bad."
Housed in the Mythos collection, read more about it here.
5. Artist Hand Charm
"Painter, architect, poet—a king among artists crowned legends by the Renaissance—Michelangelo once sculpted life from stone as though his hands were wrought by god. His creation outlasts the ages, stirring souls from Florence to Rome to reach for something akin to the divine."
Read more about the museum collection here.
As sure as winter leads to spring, all inspiration leads to action. A fine addition to any dreamyivory outfit, with fingers outstretched, as the reaching for possibility, our Artist Hand Charm provides a bright reminder to its wearer to harness the power of seasonal rest into words and action. Continue your intention with a selection of companion charms, such as a star for hope and a lion for courage all brought together on a chain of gold.
With Spring’s songbirds just around the corner, I encourage you all to open your hearts to winter’s gifts of rest and room for inspiration. Spend time renewing your wardrobe, pampering your thirsty skin, and reviving old habits that invite warm feelings. Savor the cool nip of January’s lips on your nose as winter bows her head and lets us romance ourselves back to burgeoning.

This season, unlike all of its companions, gives us an opportunity to rest, dream, and collect ideas before the long sun-filled days arrive and demand your attention and your time. Beyond ivory and golden trinkets, I want to leave you with a few questions, journal prompts if you will, to stretch your imagination and would love for you to put pen to paper and design the life you see for yourself.
What will you do with your new form?
How will you protect your dream and keep its heart pure?
How will you keep the paradise alive and well, watering your garden and patiently awaiting its fruits while ensuring the rest of the garden glows with abundance for others?